Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), founded in 1943, is committed to promote International Health. The Institute enjoys world-wide recognition for its achievements and its interdisciplinary approach to teaching, research and services in this field.
The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute works in a context increasingly marked by the impacts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This is why HIV/AIDS is an integrated topic in many of the courses and seminars organised by the institute. In addition, research (mostly applied research) of Swiss TPH collaborators and postgraduate students has focused on various aspects related to this field.
Most of all, however, the Swiss Centre for International Health (SCIH) of the Swiss TPH has established itself as a service provider in the field of HIV/AIDS. In the framework of the backstopping mandate to SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation), the SCIH contributed substantially to the elaboration of SDC's AIDS policy and the development of the concept on "mainstreaming HIV/AIDS" currently under elaboration.We also elaborate periodic information updates and newsletters in the field of HIV/AIDS for SDC.
In addition, the SCIH is involved in implementing projects at the operational level. As an example we could mention the AFRIMEDIA project which aims to improve HIV/AIDS prevention for sub Saharan African migrants living in Switzerland. This project was managed together with the Swiss Red Cross on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. The SCIH also conducts studies and evaluations for various clients, such as the World Bank, WHO, DFID or GTZ on topics related to HIV/AIDS, including in the field of health economy. In the year 2001 the Swiss TPH has elaborated an HIV/AIDS workplace policy for all collaborators in Switzerland and abroad.
Addressing sexual health and HIV in school
A variety of factors social and cultural factors (taboos, traditions, mistaken beliefs), high prevalence of unprotected sex, insufficient information on sexual and reproductive ...
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Go International!
"Go international!" ist das neue Vorbereitungshandbuch für Pflegende, Ärzte, Hebammen, Logistiker und andere Gesundheitsberufe, die einen Auslandseinsatz in der ...
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"Mainstreaming HIV in Practice" Toolkit Revised
The SDC Toolkit on "Mainstreaming HIV in Practice" was introduced in December 2011. The Toolkit translates the SDCs long-lasting commitment to the fight against the global ...
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"Mainstreaming HIV in Practice" Toolkit Revised.pdf
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