Sexuelle Gewalt und HIV - die doppelte Epidemie
Sexuelle Gewalt und HIV - die doppelte Epidemie.doc
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1. Alice Welbourn, Salamander Trust, UK
Overcoming sexual violence in the context of HIV
1 Alice Welbourn, Salamander Trust
1 Alice Welbourn, Salamander Trust .pdf
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2. Sinikiwe Biyela, LifeLine, South Africa
LifeLine GBV program in rural areas of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
2 Sinikiwe Biyela, LifeLine
2 Sinikiwe Biyela, LifeLine.pdf
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3. Hansjakob Furrer, Universitätsklinik für Infektiologie, Inselspital, Bern
Postexposure management after sexual violence
3. Hansjakob Furrer, Inselspital, Bern
3. Hansjakob Furrer, Inselspital, Bern.pdf
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4 Marie Gilbrin, Swiss Agency for Development and Copoeration (SDC)
Prevention of and response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence in a fragile context. Experiences from SDC‘s Psychosocial Programme, Great Lakes Region
4 Marie Gilbrin, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
4 Marie Gilbrin, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC.pdf
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5 Aline Schulthess, Aids Hilfe Bern
HIV positive and sexually traumatized migrants in Switzerland. Main issues, difficulties, counselling and supporting possibilities
5 Aline Schulthess, Aids Hilfe Bern
5 Aline Schulthess, Aids Hilfe Bern .pdf
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6 Monika Christofori-Khadka, Swiss Red Cross
Experiences on the relevance of institutional anchorage of dealing with sexual violence and HIV/AIDS in international cooperation
6 Monika Christofori-Khadka, Swiss Red Cross
Photo gallery
Pictures from the conference
Photos by Daniel Rihs