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aidsfocus flash08.04.2013 |
FÜR EINE ZUKUNFT OHNE AIDS 2 VERANSTALTUNGEN VON AIDSFOCUS.CH April 2013 Liebe PartnerInnen und FreundInnen von aidsfocus.ch, liebe Interessierte, Damit eine Welt ohne Aids Wirklichkeit wird, braucht es auch weiterhin unser aller Engagement. An zwei Veranstaltungen von aidsfocus.ch teilen engagierte Frauen und Männer aus Süd und Nord ihre Erfahrungen und Strategien für eine Zukunft ohne Aids und laden zur Diskussion ein. Ich freue mich, am Euch am 11. April in Bern und am 15. April in Basel begrüssen zu dürfen. BITTE JETZT ANMELDEN! Bis bald, mit liebem Gruss Helena Zweifel Koordinatorin aidsfocus.ch Geschäftsführerin Medicus Mundi Schweiz 11.04.2013 | AIDSFOCUS.CH CONFERENCE: A FUTURE WITHOUT AIDS - APPROACHING A VISION Bern | A world without AIDS is feasible. This conviction is shared by many people and organisations in the Global North, South and East as well as multilateral organizations such as UNAIDS and the Global Fund. An end to the AIDS epidemic is in sight, mainly due to better access to drugs that can both treat and prevent HIV. Progress over the past decade has cut the death toll and helped stabilize the number of people infected with HIV. Today we stand at a historic turning point. But this is no time to relax. In order to work approach the vision of a world without AIDS, it takes the commitment, dedication and cooperation of all: Political decision makers North, East and South, multilateral organizations, NGOs North, East and South, local communities and people living with HIV. We need both, community support and medical science. Now that people take ARVs and get psychosocial support for adherence, they can live longer and live a healthy life. But we need more support in terms of HIV treatment. (Farai Mahaso, BHASO, Zimbabwe) We were working with some of the most marginalized groups in society, women in sex work, sexual minorities and women and families affected by HIV. If their lives had to truly change, society had to view them differently: to respect them as human beings. Hiv work moved far beyond service delivery or claiming rights and entitlements into transforming lives, healing and caring. (Sanghamitra Iyengar, Samraksha, India) Guest speakers: Dr Margorie Opuni, UNAIDS Farai Mahaso, BHASO, Zimbabwe Sanghamitra Iyengar, Samrasksha, India Dr Jochen Ehmer, SolidarMed/ aidsfocus.ch, Switzerland Panel discussion: Gerhard Siegfried (SDC), Margorie Opuni, Farai Mahaso, Sanghamitra Iyengar and Jochen Ehmer Moderation: Kate Molesworth, Swiss TPH/ aidsfocus.ch Coordination and Information: Helena Zweifel, aidsfocus.ch/ Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland
http://www.aidsfocus.ch 15.04.2013 | WORKING WITH WOMEN AFFECTED AND LIVING WITH HIV IN TANZANIA AND INDIA Basel | aidsfocus.ch Meeting Point with Sanghamitra Iyengar (Samraksha, India), Tanja Eberle and Esther Pauli Ruhuta (Interteam, Tanzania) aidsfocus.ch invites you for sharing of experiences and information from working with women and the most vulnerable groups of people in the context of HIV and AIDS in two different continents: Tanzania and India. Tanja Eberle ist Pflegefachfrau und ist nach dem Grundsatz Wissen Teilen - Armut Lindern mit Interteam in der ländlichen Gegend Mwanza, Tansania, im Einsatz. Sie vermittelt von Armut be-troffenen Menschen Wissen über einfache Vorsorgemassnahmen, gesunde Ernährung und Be-wusstseinsbildung zu Risikoverhalten. Esther Pauli Ruhuta ist Bereichsleiterin für Gesundheit und HIV/Aids beim Mwanza Rural Housing and Food Security Program in Tansania. Dieses setzt sich für eine Verbesserung der Lebensumstände der ruralen Bevölkerung ein, indem es diese in den Bereichen Ernährung, Agrokultur, Gesundheit und Hausbau informiert und fachlich begleitet. Sanghamitra Iyengar is Director of Samraksha, an NGO working in the area of HIV prevention, care and treatment as well as community strengthening in rural Karnataka, South India. This work has been reaching out to 10000 people in sex work, people living with HIV and women affected by HIV and violence. Samraksha was part of the world wide One Billion Raising movement. The unique thing was that the sex workers were at the forefront of this movement, condemning violence against women, and raising their hands in solidarity with other women. Information and registration: Helena Zweifel, aidsfocus.ch, info@aidsfocus.ch
aidsfocus.ch is a platform set up by the Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland. aidsfocus.ch is sponsored and shaped by its 27 partner organizations who support the aims and activities of the platform through their financial contributions, expertise and commitment. It is financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Partner organisations: AIDS & Child, Caritas Switzerland, CO-OPERAID, Déclaration de Berne, FEPA, Fédération Genevoise de Coopération, Gemeinschaft St. Anna-Schwestern, IAMANEH Switzerland, Kindernothilfe Schweiz, Kwa Wazee, medico international Switzerland, mediCuba-Suisse, missio, mission21, SolidarMed, Swiss Aids Care International, Swiss Aids Federation, Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund, Swiss Catholic Womens League, Swiss MIVA, Swiss Red Cross, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (SwissTPH), Tear Fund, Terre des hommes Foundation, terre des hommes schweiz, and World Vision Switzerland. |
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