Reader: Conference "Culture and Condoms"
Bulletin of Medicus Mundi Switzerland No. 113
1. Medienmitteilung
HIV-Prävention verstärken setzt auf "Kultur und Kondome"
HIV-Prävention verstärken.pdf
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2. Dr Clodagh Miskelly, Panos Institute, London, UK
Engaging culture for effective HIV communication
Towards a conceptual framework for culture and HIV/AID
Engaging culture for effective HIV communication.pdf
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3. Dr Shariful Islam, Partners in Population and Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Traditional Healers in preventing HIV/AIDS
Roles and Scope
4. Noel Tshibangu, Afrimedia/Swiss AIDS Federation, Zurich, Switzerland
What have cola nuts got to do with condoms?
Experiences in HIV prevention with migrants of sub-Saharan African origin living in Switzerland
What have cola nuts got to do with condoms .ppt
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5. Rev. Christo Greyling, World Vision International, South Africa/ Netherlands
Standing together to fight a common enemy
Experiences of mobilizing Christian and Muslim faith leaders to participate in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Southern Afric
Photos of the conference
Password: aidsfocu
by the participant
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