Reader: Conference "Positive Motherhood"
Bulletin of Medicus Mundi Switzerland No. 105
Reader Conference "Positive Motherhood" .pdf
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Positive Mutterschaft. Kurzbericht zur Tagung
Only available in German. The full report with the papers presented and additional papers will be published in the reader of the conference, the Bulletin of Medicus Mundi Switzerland No. 105 (August 2007).
Declaration of Commitment:
Towards a future generation without HIV and AID
Declaration of Commitment.pdf
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1. Claudia Kessler Bodiang
Swiss Tropical Institute
Challenges and opportunities around positive motherhood (Text)
Closing the gap in a globalised worl
Challenges and opportunities around positive motherhood Text.pdf
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Challenges and opportunities around positive motherhood
Closing the gap in a globalised worl
Challenges and opportunities around positive motherhood .pdf
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2. Marleen Dermaut
Médecins Sans Frontières Switzerland
Field experience from Lichinga, Mozambiqu
PMTCT .ppt
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3. Lida Lhotska
International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN)
HIV and infant feeding
Supporting mothers to make informed choice
HIV and infant feeding.ppt
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Feedback by participant
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Photo gallery
by Christoph Engeli, Photographe