DOCUMENTATION MMS/ conference 2018: Gender-Based Violence: Approaches and Challenges at Community and Advocacy Level
Communiqué de presse : La violence basée sur le genre: la coopération internationale face à ses responsabilités
MMS/, Berne, 2 mai 2018 - Selon l'Unicef, près de 120 millions de filles étaient concernées en 2014 par cette réalité mondiale: la violence basée sur le genre. La conférence du Réseau Medicus Mundi Suisse s'est penchée sur les causes et ... continue
Gender, Bullshit, Dinosaurier
Gender, Bullshit, Dinosaurier .pdf — (198 kB)
Interview mit Gry Tina Tinde von der International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, von Markus Spörndli, die Wochenzeitung (WOZ) (Foto: The United Nations NYC/ dog97209/flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) continue
Photo gallery
Pictures from the conference by Daniel Rihs (Photos: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Schweiz) continue
Carine Weiss - Medicus Mundi Schweiz
Carine Weiss - Medicus Mundi Schweiz .pdf — (811 kB)
Welcome speech continue
Avni Amin - WHO / UNFPA
Avni Amin - WHO UNFPA .pdf — (4671 kB)
A public health approach to preventing and responding to GBV continue
Achille Bapolisi - Psychiatrist in Camps in Uganda
Achille Bapolisi - Psychiatrist in Camps in Uganda .pdf — (1318 kB)
Challenges and perspectives in the psychosocial management of gender-based violence victims continue
Maja Loncarevic - IAMANEH Schweiz
Maja Loncarevic - IAMANEH Schweiz .pdf — (4251 kB)
The call for engaging men and boys: Adressing sexual and gender-based violence from the men’s side continue
Abubakar Mutoka Balibanga - terre des hommes schweiz, Tanzania
Abubakar Mutoka Balibanga - terre des hommes schweiz, Tanzania .pdf — (3865 kB)
Youth Left Behind: How to Include the Most Vulnerable Youth in GBV Projects continue
Morgane Rousseau - Médecins du Monde Suisse & Nathalie Romain-Glassey - Le Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale
Vivian Onano - UN Women Youth Leader
Importance of Advocacy in Eradicating Gender-Based Violence Against Women continue
Gry Tina Tinde - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Gry Tina Tinde - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies .pdf — (1527 kB)
A Survivor-centered Approach in Caring for Survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence continue
MMS Conference 2018_PANEL DISCUSSION .pdf — (7782 kB)