DOCUMENTATION MMS/ conference - Applying human rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health!
Video: conference 2016 highlights
Applying human rights to sexual and reproductive health - a reality for all? continue
Communiqués de presse 2016: Sans le respect des droits de l'homme, aucune amélioration de la santé sexuelle et reproductive n'est possible
MMS/ Conference 2016 - À l'occasion de la conférence d'aujourd'hui de MMS/ d' qui s’est tenue à Berne, les spécialistes étaient d'accord sur le fait que, sans la réalisation des droits de l'homme, la santé sexuelle et ... continue
Photo gallery
Pictures from the conference Photos by Daniel Rihs (Photos: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Schweiz) continue
Alfonso Barragues - UNFPA
Alfonso Barragues - UNFPA .pdf — (1223 kB)
From global commitment to rights-based action and accountability continue
Erika Placella - SDC
Erika Placella - SDC .pdf — (1587 kB)
A rights-based approach to sexual and reproductive health services for young people in Moldova: challenges and opportunities continue
Jana Gerold - Swiss TPH Basel
Jana Gerold - Swiss TPH Basel .pdf — (1471 kB)
Results of the MMS survey on human rights-based approaches among its member organisations continue
Stuart Halford - The Sexual Rights Initiative Geneva
Stuart Halford - The Sexual Rights Initiative Geneva .pdf — (157 kB)
The Geo-politics of sexual and reproductive rights at the United Nations – how to address the protection gaps continue
Tabitha Griffith Saoyo - KELIN, Kenya
Tabitha Griffith Saoyo - KELIN, Kenya .pdf — (2276 kB)
Using a rights-based approach to advocate for sexual and reproductive health rights: The Kenyan experience continue
Jasna Zecevic - Vive Zene, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jasna Zecevic - Vive Zene, Bosnia and Herzegovina .pdf — (1110 kB)
Service provider and civil society actor at the same time: Challenges of rehabilitation of survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina continue