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aidsfocus.news in EnglishNov 21, 2008 |
THE ELECTRONIC BULLETIN OF THE SWISS PLATFORM FOR HIV/AIDS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION November 2008 Dear readers Violence against women has many faces. And violence against women together with HIV/Aids produce an explosive, often deadly mixture because sexual violence and HIV/Aids boost each other and get each other worked up. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the risk for female teenager to be infected with HIV is six times higher than for male teenagers. For many women, marriage holds the risk of an infection, as in most societies it is men to determine sexual behaviour and impose their will on women. Especially South Africa shows one of the highest rates both of rapes and HIV-infections. At present, 58 per cent of HIV-positive people are women in Sub-Saharan Africa, and their share is still increasing. According UNAIDS figures, global womens share of the number of people that are living with HIV has grown from 35 to 48 per cent since 1985. The growing number of HIV-infections among girls and women has to be seen in a direct connection with sexual violence against women and the unequal social, economic and legal position of women. Gender, HIV and Aids as well as human rights violations are issues that are repeatedly taken up by aidsfocus.ch building upon the experiences of partner organisations. Here, we can mention the example of the aidsfocus Conference in spring 2008 on the issue of the dramatic consequences on women when disregarding their property and inheritance rights, in particular in the era of HIV and Aids. On November 25, 2008, the international day to stop violence against women, the Swiss section of Amnesty International launches a campaign on the right to health and to stop violence against women in South Africa in the context of HIV/Aids and poverty. aidsfocus.ch supports this campaign and hopes to draw other circles attention to the problems of violating womens rights and HIV und Aids as well as to develop synergies. Flyers on the campaign and copies of the Amnesty report Im at the lowest end of all can be ordered directly from Amnesty International by mail to info@amnesty.ch. And as always, additional information this time on the campaign can be retrieved from our website www.aidsfocus.ch Helena Zweifel Coordinator aidsfocus.ch FOCUS: VIOELNCE AGAINST WOMEN IN THE CONTEXT OF HIV AND AIDS FRAUEN IM TEUFELSKREIS VON GEWALT, HIV/AIDS UND ARMUT aidsfocus.ch unterstützt die Kampagne von Amnesty International gegen die Gewalt an Frauen im Kontext von HIV, Aids und Armut. 55 Prozent der über fünf Millionen HIV-Infizierten in Südafrika sind Frauen. Sie kämpfen nicht nur gegen ihre Krankheit, sondern sind mit Gewalt und Diskriminierung konfrontiert. Gewaltbereite Ehemänner, gleichgültige Behörden und Armut hindern sie daran, ihr Recht auf Gesundheit wahrzunehmen. Weitere Informationen und Unterstützung der Forderungen on-line: HIV INFIZIERTE FRAUEN IN SÜDAFRIKA. ICH STEHE AM UNTERSTEN ENDE VON ALLEM Bericht von amnesty international: Gewalt und extreme Armut im ländlichen Südafrika setzen Frauen einem erhöhten Risiko aus, sich mit HIV/Aids zu infizieren. Diese und weitere Faktoren schränken darüber hinaus die Möglichkeit von an HIV/ Aids erkrankten Frauen ein, medizinische Behandlung zu erhalten und behindern die Ralisierung ihres Rechts auf Gesundheit. Damit verbreitet sich die nationale HIV Epidemie weiter, die bereits zu den schlimmsten weltweit gehört. Report auf Englisch. (2008)
http://www.amnesty.org WALKING THE TALK: PUTTING WOMEN'S RIGHTS AT THE HEART OF THE HIV AND AIDS RESPONSE Using research from 13 countries, this report demonstrates that gender inequalities and the persistent and systematic violation of their rights are leaving women and girls disproportionately vulnerable to HIV and AIDS. The report incorporates the voices and perspectives of women and girls. It calls upon governments in rich and poor countries, as well as multilateral organisations and civil society, to take specific steps to place women's rights at the heart of their responses to HIV and AIDS. (ActionAid and Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), 2008) WOMEN, VIOLENCE AND AIDS: EXPLORING INTERFACES This publication describes the efforts and lessons learned of Gestos, a small Brazilian NGO, in addressing gender and HIV/AIDS as part of the Women Wont Wait campaign. It reflects on the intersections between violence and HIV/AIDS, drawing on the Brazilian experience. The report describes an action-research study and its findings in terms of violence, family and social responses, experiences at clinics and shelters, and suggests possible responses. (2008) VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND HIV (ELDIS RESOURCE GUIDE) This guide examines the links between violence against women (VAW) and HIV and AIDS, highlighting key issues, research and resources. It outlines how HIV and AIDS is a consequence of VAW, how VAW is precipitated by HIV, the economic factors that increase women's vulnerability and the interaction between VAW and conflict. It also offers strategies and actions for ending VAW and reducing HIV and AIDS infection. The guide is based on Chapter 6 of a Joint Report by UNAIDS/UNFPA/UNIFEM entitled Women and AIDS: Confronting the Crisis. (2008) UNIFEM WEB PORTAL ON GENDER AND HIV/AIDS The website of UNIFEM is a gateway to various background documents, reports and news on women and HIV/AIDS. UNIFEM has been actively involved in raising the visibility of the gender dimensions of the pandemic. 189 countries signed the Declaration of Commitment acknowledging that "gender equality and the empowerment of women are fundamental elements in the reduction of the vulnerability of women and girls to HIV/AIDS." READER OF THE AIDSFOCUS.CH CONFERENCE "AIDS AND LIVELIHOODS" The Reader of the aidsfocus.ch conference of 10 April 2008 in Bern: "AIDS and Livelihoods. Securing property and inheritance rights highlights the complex interrelations between HIV and AIDS and (lack of) property rights of women and children. The laws and customs of inheritance and control of resources magnify underlying societal and gender inequalities. HIV/AIDS is exacerbating the situation by placing many more women and children in this position than ever before. BRIEFS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD FAITH-BASED ORGANIZATIONS FROM ALL CONTINENTS CREATE GLOBAL NETWORK TO FIGHT MATERNAL DEATH, AIDS, POVERTY Istanbul, 21 October 2008 - More than 75 religious leaders and representatives of Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jewish, Christian and Muslim faith-based organizations today formed a global interfaith network to strengthen cooperation against the global urgencies of maternal death, AIDS and poverty. The interfaith network was formed in Istanbul at the conclusion of a two-day Global Forum of Faith-based Organizations, convened by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, which has partnerships with over 400 different faith-based organizations in more than 100 countries. (UNFPA) HAITI: VOODOO PRIESTS ENLISTED IN AIDS FIGHT Jacmel, 4 November 2008 - The cost and uneven distribution of public health services in Haiti also mean the nearest health facility may be difficult to reach. APROSIFA is among a number of AIDS organisations in Haiti that have recognised the need to include houngans (voodoo priests) in their HIV/AIDS programmes. Through workshops, the organisation trains voodoo priests to identify the symptoms of HIV infection and encourage patients to go to a clinic for testing and treatment. (IRIN PlusNews) SOUTH AFRICA: THOUSANDS OF LIVES LOST IN TREATMENT DELAYS Johannesburg, 7 November 2008 - A new study estimates that more than 330,000 HIV-positive South Africans lost their lives between 2000 and 2005 as a direct result of government delays in rolling out a treatment programme. The researchers attributed the deaths to government policies that blocked the distribution of life-prolonging antiretroviral (ARV) drugs long after neighbouring countries had launched such programmes. (PlusNews) NEPAL FACES NUMEROUS CHALLENGES IN ACHIEVING HIV/AIDS MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOAL
NEW RESSOURCES HIV, ANTIRETROVIRAL TREATMENT, AND HIV SEXUAL TRANSMISSION: WHATS NEW? In the first of a series of HIV best practice updates Ade Fakoya, senior adviser on HIV and health services in the Alliance secretariats HIV Best Practice Unit, captures the latest thinking around HIV, antiretroviral treatment and the sexual transmission of HIV. Below he summarises some of the key issues explored in the full article. (28 October 2008) http://synkronweb.aidsalliance.org REACHING COMMON GROUND: CULTURE, GENDER AND HUMAN RIGHTS Cultural sensitivity is critical for the success of development strategies according to a new report produced by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Culture is a central component of successful development of countries, and must be integrated into development policy and programming. The effects of gender inequality leave women and girls more at risk of exposure to HIV. Economic and social dependence on men often limits women's power to refuse sex or to negotiate the use of condoms. (2008) THE GLOBAL BURDEN OF DISEASE: 2004 UPDATE WHO published a new assessment of the global burden of disease, a study that provides the reader with a comprehensive picture of the global and regional state of health. The top five causes of death in low-income countries are: pneumonia, followed by heart disease, diarrhoea, HIV/AIDS and stroke. Men between the ages of 15 and 60 years have much higher risks of dying than women in the same age category in every region of the world. This is mainly due to injuries, including those caused in violence and conflict, and to higher levels of heart diseases. (October 2008) WORLD DISASTERS REPORT 2008: THE CHALLENGE OF HIV AND AIDS This years World Disasters Report, published by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), focuses on HIV and AIDS, a long-term and complex disaster. The Report highlights the need for humanitarian organisations to increase the scale and scope of programmes for HIV prevention, treatment and care, and for tackling the associated stigma and discrimination. (2008) RESTORING DIGNITY. HANDBOOK ON PEACE BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT This handbook by Sinani (KwaZulu-Natal Programme for Survivors of Violence) is about peace building and development work in communities affected by violence, poverty, HIV and AIDS and it can be used by community practictioners. It gives a background on and understanding of communities affected by violence, poverty and HIV/AIDS, and provides inputs and tools on identifying needs, goals and objectives, on planning steps of the intervention process and working with commitment.(October 2008) EVENTS IN ENGLISH 02.12.2008 | AIDSFOCUS.CH ANNUAL MEETING 2008 Bern | The annual meeting of aidsfocus.ch, the Swiss platform on HIV/AIDS and international cooperation, is an important forum for the sharing of information and experiences. Besides the annual report and accounts, there will be a window open for sharing of information and experiences. It will be followed by an input and discussion with Emery Mpwate, AIDS Coordinator of mission 21 in Kamerun: "The Role of Faith-Based organisations in the respons to HIV and AIDS" 26.03.2009 | HEALTHY MOBILITY REDUCING HIV AND OTHER VULNERABILITIES Durres, Albania | The Fourth Balkans Regional Conference on HIV and AIDS is a unique forum for all to share lessons-learned and to enhance skills. Highlights of the Conference: Challenges of HIV prevention and AIDS care and support for mobile populations in the European context; challenges in HIV and TB prevention and continuity of care; youth including street children, mobility and HIV vulnerability reduction; BCC approaches for mobile population. http://www.balkans-fight-hiv.org aidsfocus.ch is a project set up by Medicus Mundi Switzerland. aidsfocus.ch is sponsored and shaped by 33 partner organizations who support the aims and activities of the platform through their financial contributions, expertise and commitment. Partners: Afro-European Medical and Research Network, AIDS & Child, Bethlehem Mission Immensee, Caritas Switzerland, cinfo, CO-OPERAID, Déclaration de Berne, Doctors without Borders, Esperanza Medicines Foundation, FEPA, Fédération Genevoise de Coopération, Gemeinschaft St. Anna-Schwestern, HEKS, IAMANEH Switzerland, International Federation of the Blue Cross, INTERTEAM, Kindernothilfe Schweiz, Kwa Wazee, medico international Switzerland, mediCuba-Suisse, missio, REPSSI, SolidarMed, Swiss Aids Care International, Swiss Aids Federation, missio, mission 21, Swiss Aids Care International, Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund, Swiss MIVA, Swiss Red Cross, Swiss Tropical Institute, Tear Fund, Terre des hommes Foundation, terre des hommes schweiz, and World Vision Switzerland. |
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